
Contract and Tax Support

This is the "core" of our ongoing daily relationship with our customers.

It chiefly involves:

  • Analyzing business and corporate state of affairs, developing tax plans
  • Consulting on different tax strategy opportunities
  • Supplying specific answers regarding tax matters
  • Corporate compliance, keeping and updating accounts
  • Accounting outsourcing
  • Corporate compliance, keeping and updating corporate books
  • Supervising Financial Statements and interim reports, support in drawing up "Unico" tax return forms.
  • Tax requirements and relations with tax authorities, litigations
  • Support for extraordinary operations (mergers, demergers, transformations, transfers, sales or purchases of companies or branches, etc.).

Corporate Consulting

Our firm provides its customers with assistance and consultancy during their start-up as well as for ordinary and extraordinary operations. Specifically:

  • Selecting company type, drafting by-laws and other required documents.
  • Selecting governance type
  • Shareholders consultancy to ascertain their needs and select the most suitable type of company also according to the type and amount of business.
  • Support for extraordinary operations such as mergers, demergers, transformations, transfers, sales or purchases of companies or branches, etc.

Due Diligence

Acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, contributions, demergers, industrial and financial restructuring, redefining business strategies. Whether it entails growth projects, investments or focusing on 'core business', these operations are always very complex and become a very delicate time for the continuity of the enterprise. They chiefly involve:

  • Attaining different kinds of information for plans concerning mergers, acquisitions, divestitures or sale of the company.
  • Understanding businesses economic and financial potential.
  • Supporting the trade logic which led to the decision to purchase a company.
  • Checking businesses new state of affairs after an extraordinary operation that has markedly changed their structure and features.

Company "Check-up"

The objective of this service is to report on the company's overall strengths and weaknesses.

Company appraisals and valuations

Establishing the value of a company or of parts of a business is often a key step of the decision-making process concerning ordinary and extraordinary financial operations. The valuation of a company is a complex process where skills and experiences come together in the assessment process to define its ultimate value.

We assist our clients in determining the market value of a company, a business, a contract for different purposes, such as:

  • Evaluation from an independent expert or request for legal purposes
  • Evaluation for transaction purposes: as part of acquisitions, mergers and sales (M&A), joint ventures, financial restructuring, etc.
  • Opinion regarding established value or price for capital transactions purposes.

Assistance during a financial crisis

The firm guides and supports its customers to set in place bankruptcy proceedings and to manage financial crises.

  • Assistance during a financial crisis, cash flow processing to identify "critical issues".
  • Assistance to draft bankruptcy agreement requests
  • Assistance to draft periodic reports pursuant to Italian Bankruptcy Law 161 c VIII.
  • Assistance to draft bankruptcy agreement plans and proposals
  • Assistance during bankruptcy agreement proceedings
  • Assistance to file for bankruptcy

Support to draft social and sustainability report

Reporting sustainability results, a purely voluntary undertaking, is now considered an element of strategic importance for the success of a business. Our team is able to support you during the entire process to help you integrate sustainability principles into your business strategy. We can help you to define the objectives as well as to measure and report results according to the latest G4 international guidelines that were published by the Global Reporting Initiative and/or according to the International Integrated Reporting Framework principles. Sustainability integration can offer you a competitive advantage over other companies operating in your same industry as well as become a useful risk management tool since non-financial data is being increasingly integrated into institutional shareholders and stakeholders analysis.




Report di Sostenibilità: OIC presenta le proposte per la semplificazione

L’OIC, l’Organismo Italiano di Contabilità,



CCNL Intersettoriale - CIFA: adeguati i minimi tabellari

Per i dipendenti delle imprese dei settori